Nachrichtentechnisches Projekt - 2022 Tasks for the final project report version June 17th > RAW data analysis and signal processing < > to be done in groups of about 5 students, > either you work together on all tasks, or you split them and explicitely mention who was working on which tasks. Get the raw data MAT file. select the data files according to your group number 1) Echo power 1 Plot raw data time series power, every single sample and range, e.g. pcolor. 2) Echo power 2 Create a figure with line plots - showing the mean, median and mean +/- stand. dev. for receiver channel 1 and one of the other receiver channels. 3) Integrations Apply a suitable number of coherent integrations to the raw data, without cutting the spectra. 4) Frequency spectra Calculate and plot the spectra for the original and coherently integrated time series, for ONE receiver, but all range gates, e.g. pcolor. Apply a suitable SNR threshold to remove noise in the plot. 5) Cross-spectra Calculate and plot the cross-spectra for the coherently integrated time series, for all receivers except no.1, but all range gates, e.g. pcolor. Apply a suitable SNR threshold to remove noise in the plot. 6) Raw data smoothing Calculate the autocorrelation for each altitude and use half-power width of the correlation as a window to smooth the time series raw data for each range gate. Show a line plot for the resulting correlation length for each altitude used to smooth the time series. Plot the resulting power and spectra for one receiver, but all ranges, e.g. pcolor. 7) Radial veolcities to winds get the "DBS" mat file, from that data calculate the horizontal and vertical winds and plot them for all times and meaningful altitudes. Sketch and implement a cleaning method to suppress artifacts. 8) Interferometry Create your own sensor layout (circular, rectangular, square, spiral, random,...) in x-y-plane. Use 3 to 6 sensors and test those for 3 different distributions and/or distances between the sensors. Assume equal phasing for all sensors and verfiy the vertical looking angle. Simulate the coverage area (possible AOA-positions), by e.g. test MANY random phases for the sensors and derive the positions. Solve the given tasks in Python, use any library or source you like, but mention/cite it! Present your results in a report (PDF) with some explanations, findings,... Add a ZIP file to your PDF, that contains your Python scripts - name the scripts according your group and the task numbers! Beautify the report as well as your plots - use proper English! ->>> End of examination period: July 15 submission of the report by July 8 online defense perhaps ?? ->>>