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Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) Writing Services in India

Thousands of aspiring students flock to Australia every year for their academic degree. In fact, Australia ranked 4 on the list of best countries for education, 2017, in a survey carried out by BAV consulting and Wharton school. While getting into the college is a fairly simple process, seeking a job after your engineering degree can be challenging. You will have to submit a CDR also known as a Competency Demonstration Report in order to qualify for an engineering job in Australia.

What is a CDR?

A competency demonstration report is applicable to all the non- Australians who wish to work as an engineer in Australia. This report is a combination of a collection of documents that demonstrate your engineering skills as well as your fluency in the English language. You have to submit these documents to the Institute of Engineers, Australia. At India Assignment Help, we have a team of prolific writers who understand the CDR writing guidelines. Our CDR writing experts in Australia give ample time in understanding your competencies and presenting them in a comprehensive manner. Competency Demonstration Report is mandatory for all those who wish to migrate to Australia and work in the engineering field. You will have to ensure that your CDR follows all the guidelines and specifications mentioned in the Migration Skills Assessment booklet published by Engineers Australia- The organization in charge of hiring migrant engineers in the country. If you are having trouble deciding where to begin and how to complete your Competency Demonstration Report, you can seek CDR writing help from our team of experienced writers at an affordable price.

A competency demonstration report comprises of the following documents:

  • Application Form CDR
  • A self-attested copy of your report that verifies the report is written exclusively by you.
  • Copies of your academic documents duly signed and attested
  • Copy of your Curriculum Vitae
  • Continuing profession development listing
  • IELTS or TOEFL scores and certificates
  • 3 Career Episode Reports
  • A summarized report on your abilities and competencies based on your career episode reports.
All the above documents should be valid and compiled in order, for your application to be approved. Failure to submit even one of these documents can lead to a rejection of your application. In this case, you will only be allowed to re-apply after 11 months. The fear of rejection encourages many students to seek guidance from CDR report writers. At India Assignment Help we have a team of native English writers who compile your documents and write your career episodes that are completely error-free and plagiarism-free. Some of the other essential documents that you need are as follows :
  • Recent passport size photograph
  • Official academic documents transcript
  • English translation of all documents (in case they are in a different language)
  • Passport
The purpose of the CDR is to ensure that all engineers working in Australia are competent in demonstrating their engineering skills and are able to apply their knowledge efficiently wherever applicable.

Eligibility Criteria to Qualify for CDR

You need to complete your graduation or post-graduation in any of the engineering fields from an accredited institution in order to be eligible for CDR. You also need to have a relevant work experience in the engineering field to be able to write all-encompassing career episodes. You also need to be fluent in English language and should be able to prove the same through IELTS or TOEFL scores and certificates. From the given list of documents that you require for CDR, you only have to write the three career episodes by yourself. However, these three career episodes should be written to the best of your ability to demonstrate your competency in the engineering field and get a job in Australia. Poorly written career episodes can cut down your chances of being an engineer in Australia, significantly. This is the reason why most students prefer CDR writing experts in Australia. Our team of experienced CDR report writers ensures that all 3 of your career episodes and the summary is written in flawless English and covers all required attributes mandatory for writing the competency demonstration report.

You can contact us 24/7, throughout the year. You can call us at +91-742-874-9407 or drop an Email at info@indiaassignmenthelp.com and share your requirements with us! Also, fill out our online inquiry form for urgent assistance!


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