How to Write an Introduction for an Assignment

First impressions are the last impression, this saying might be cliche, but it’s quite accurate. You must’ve come across an article or a book that has intrigued you right from the first few lines/pages. You may spend time writing a paper, but some would have advised you to write the introduction last; why does it matter?
An introduction is an important part of any form of writing. It aims to briefly describe the paper's contents - not enough to reveal much but not too vague. The introduction is often written last to summarise your writing in a few words with the necessary details that the reader should know before proceeding.
Great capabilities entail great responsibilities, and with great power comes great assignments. Quote by Israelmore Ayivor
Another purpose of an introduction is to get the reader intrigued to continue reading. Your introduction should get the reader interested enough to read the next paragraph and the next and the entire paper. The introduction has many elements, and there are different ways of writing an introduction. Let’s discuss them further, shall we?
What are the elements of an assignment introduction?
You may write the introduction in a paragraph or a few, but it’s not as plain as getting from point A to B. It has various elements that make the introduction multi-dimensional. Different elements are useful for stating all the relevant topics in your assignment. Generally, the introduction on an assignment is one-tenth of the entire paper length, so it depends on the paper length. Still, here are a few elements that you can add regardless:
1. Background
The background of the topic you picked and its relevance to your assignment. Your topic can be a research question or a study you conducted. For such topics, you can briefly describe the What? Why? How? Of the study.
2. Context
The context of the paper gives the reader an overview of the topic of your research and the academic background - if the paper has academic or professional implications, it has a future scope and if the paper is written to inform the reader or raise discussion.
3. Contention
It is the question you are answering or raising in your paper. For instance, is climate change real? Can be the focus of a paper-based on global environmental crises. Many also call it a thesis statement. The purpose is to summarise the theme in a few sentences effectively.
4. Main points
Write the paper's main points as it helps inform the reader what they can expect in your paper as they read further.
5. Definitions
You can also include definitions in your introduction. If there’s a central element in the paper, you may start with defining whatever entity the paper is based upon.
6. Reason for picking the theme
For your introduction, you may as well justify the reason for picking a specific topic and write personal input on how the topic is relevant to your academia or your areas of interest.
Tip: Even if you're writing about your own experiences and lessons, your target audience could be professional; See the task requirements or inquire the professor about it before you start writing.
There’s no particular order to use these elements; you may start with the background for a more implied topic or a description of your theme choice otherwise. It is entirely upto you how you compose your introduction. The context of your paper decides the writing style you have to pursue for your introduction and the rest of the paper, so make sure you follow it thoroughly for your entire paper.
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Why is it important to write an effective introduction?
The introduction is the first section of your academic paper, and it has to be effective for compelling the readers to read the next section, the section after that and the entire piece. It's advisable to write as a reader rather than a writer's mindset. Writing content that you'd like to read will surely help you understand the relevance of your topic. Here are five reasons why the introduction has to be effective:
- It must capture the attention of an uninformed reader who will relate to or feel intrigued by it.
- A well-read individual, your professor, for example, will fall into the category of informed individuals whose interest you have to trigger to make them appreciate your written piece. Of course, they will read it till the end, but you must start effectively, so they find your content weighty.
- The outro or conclusion of the assignment has to be connected with the introduction. In your conclusion, you will reiterate what you wrote in your introduction; such is done to highlight the topic.
- The sole purpose of the introduction on an assignment is to prepare the reader for what to expect in your paper. An effective introduction not only intrigues the reader but informs them about the topic and all the subsections that follow.
- To provide a leeway for the reader to get familiar with your writing style and the perspective in the academic paper.
Tip: Academic writing is not just composing thesis, articles or scholarly papers; it's about using your imagination to present new ideas through unique implementation.
Academic writing can be a challenge for one starting out in academia. Writing an introduction might give you trouble for some time. It will take some time, especially if you write on a topic you’re not quite familiar with. Still, introductions are the most important part of your paper so add various elements, stick to the context and try out different formats or get references.
What are the steps for writing the introduction to an assignment?
There are various approaches to an introduction. You can start right from the concept’s background or even use a hook. A research paper or a study may use a blatant approach, whereas an essay can start with a hook sentence. Here are some examples of various introductions to help you get started:
- Studies show that over four billion people out of the seven billion population of the world are active internet users. Such a big number, isn't it? You may be one of the internet users, but the question is, are you an internet addict?... (Starting the introduction with a fact)
- Social inclusion means the involvement of individuals suffering from mental disorders to participate and fulfil all social obligations. It includes intervention, crisis prevention, destigmatisation, and getting rid of discrimination against mental illness… (Writing a definition in the introduction)
- "There comes a time when humans will perceive the murder of a man equivalent to the death of an animal." This quote by Leonardo da Vinci is enough to describe the rising crime rates in the world and the normalisation of violence. Children are exposed to such violence due to video games… (Using a hook sentence in the introduction)
- The Australian Social Welfare system is based on the sole classification of residency, but the eligibility criteria for the different types of welfare schemes may vary. The Australian government pays for the income support system out of the country’s general revenue… (Starting the introduction with the background information)
Academic writing is not just composing thesis, articles or scholarly papers; it's about using your imagination to present new ideas through unique implementation.
These are a few examples of different introduction formats that you may use as an introduction on assignment. Your paper can be interactive, informative, or intriguing, but it all depends heavily on the introduction you write. If you still feel under confident in your writing, it is good to get help from your professor or academic advisor.
Transforming a high school paper into a university-level assignment requires a lot of effort, especially for students who are in their university life. Need assignment help from experienced academic writers? Fill out the enrollment form to get assignment help at pocket-friendly prices. Just fill out the enrollment form to get in contact with our experts.